martes, 26 de noviembre de 2013

Helloooo all the people that see this blog comment in it and said your opinion of it please

lunes, 3 de junio de 2013

These are the sumaries of  very famous plays of Shakespeare: Hamlet, Romeo and Juliet and Othello

by alex

viernes, 31 de mayo de 2013

This is a video of the program bizarre foods. Most of the food is desgasting

by alex 

martes, 28 de mayo de 2013

this is a song from sean paul one of my favourite singers...the song is called hold my hand

by alex

my fears and phobias:
Sincerely nothing scares to me :P but i really hate takes a very long time to me to thing that the plain will reaches the place were i'm fliying with me inside...when the wheels of the plain touch the a very beatifull moment for me

I have a friend that have a mother that is claustrophobic...she tries many times to enter in a elevator but she can't...when she enters she notes how the oxygen is ending and she have to go out very fast until she gets hysteric... they have to live in a low because of that



People have phobias very strange for example this video its from a person that his phobia its setting fire its very strange, see the vidio and opine

Can't Hold Us

I LOVE this song I hope you enjoy. Its with lyrics